(quotes from ‘Secrets of Success’ by Sandra Anne Taylor, 2008)
This irreducible, three-dimensional element is why the hologram is used to represent the many nuances of consciousness, and why it’s an apt representation of how your own individual consciousness works in the world. You’re like that wavy, undefinable picture on the film because your full consciousness isn’t really visible on the surface. It’s only when you shine a light on your own true nature that you see the real and full picture of your consciousness creation. It’s not just your individual desires or intentions that get projected out into the world; it’s the many dimensions of your personal consciousness that will create your destiny. (p.5)
…his psychological hologram reached out into the Universe, dictating his results… (p.13)
I knew that I was always sending out a holographic projection anyway, and I realized that was what created my results. (p.14)
Just as you can’t snip off a piece of the hologram (each fragment still contains the whole image), you can’t separate any specific intent for success from the underlying perceptions of your life…and at the center and core of your holographic consciousness is your self-valuing. (p.15)
The hologram of your identity reveals every dimension of yourself, including the one that both preexists and outlasts your earthly experience. (p.18)
…release your urgency and need; and finally move into the radical self-love, forgiveness, and valuing that will help you redefine yourself forevermore…align yourself with the Universal hologram… You’re one with the Source and with the entire Universe; real success starts the very moment that you let yourself connect. (p.20)
…vibrate a hologram of self-honor and self-acceptance…unqualified self-love. …old patterns of self-dismissal, self-criticism, or even self-condemnation must be a thing of the past…think differently…signaling the Universe that you’re ready to receive. (p.25-26)
Live now in the emotions you want to create, because that energetic tide will turn inward, and your destiny will overflow with wave after wave of the very same feelings flooding into your future…Fear and negativity broadcast repulsive vibrations and generate an energetic hologram of doubt…in terms of attraction, the echoes of your energy resonate with your emotional truth. The world reflects- or echoes back- the quality of feelings you live in most. (p.44)
The nonlocal nature of the Universe dictates that the action you take…spreads across the globe and assists everyone, eventually reaching back to your own life. (p.111)
Success isn’t a future event; it’s a holographic state of mind, a condition of being free- free from fear and want- no matter how much or how little you may have. (p.112)
Marconi, born in 1874, experimented with electromagnetic waves and believed in telepathy.. he cracked open the door on the theory of mental waves and of how they can manifest successful results. (p.143)
The hologram of your accepted truths cannot be resisted. Your life will unfold in strict accordance with your beliefs, so with every negative notion you encounter, write it down and label it as misinformed. No matter what may have happened in the past, you must be in charge of your own truth from now on. (p.207)